Market Management

Last updated: Feb 2020

Vendor Forms

The Weymouth Farmers Market is open to New England farmers, home gardeners, bakeries, and other food vendors, and a limited number of non-food or -plant vendors. Contact the Market Manager here.

IMPORTANT: To reduce the spread of COVID-19, market management may need to limit the number of vendors to meet social distancing requirements. Find information on COVID-19 safety at the farmers market here.

Steering Committee

The Weymouth Farmers Market is coordinated by the Town of Weymouth and funded in partnership with the Weymouth Food Pantry and Mass in Motion, an initiative of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, and supported by a grant of the USDA’s Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP). Market programs are overseen by a Steering Committee composed of volunteer employees from the following Town offices and local organizations:

Decisions of the Steering Committee are made by group consensus. Day-to-day program operations are administrated by a Market Manager.