Public Records Request



Have you searched the Town's website for the documents you are seeking?
Many public records are available online for inspection, downloading and copying. Please review our Departmental webpages or utilize the Search feature for a specific request.

The following records do not need a public record request:
Vital Statistic Records - If you are seeking birth, death or marriage certificates, please see the Town Clerk's webpage, HERE.
Police Records - If you are seeking copies of accident or incident reports from the Police Department, please see the WPD's Records Division webpage, HERE.
All other requests can be sent directly to our Records Access Officer (RAO) at the Clerk’s office by using our NextRequest Public Records platform.

 To make a Public Records Request, please read the Town of Weymouth’s Public Records Access Guidelines, HERE.

General information about the Public Records Law, requests and appeals, may be found in the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s “A Guide to the Massachusetts Public Records Law,” January 2017 edition, found online at: