Resources/Tips for Parents

Substance Abuse Prevention starts at home:

Bringing a new baby home is a joyous occasion. As a new parent you spent months preparing for this event; cleaning, setting up a safe nursery, determining whether to breast or formula feed.

While you blinked, your baby became a toddler and you found yourself preparing for another stage of your child’s life. Placing breakables out of reach and padding sharp corners of furniture are just a few modifications you may have made in your home to protect your little explorer.

When it comes to drugs and alcohol, you want to protect your child from the influences in the outside world. But what can be found inside your home is just as important.

Your home is a major source of substances like prescription drugs, alcohol, and inhalants. You can take steps to protect your child and prevent substance use and abuse:

  • Lock up prescription drugs and alcohol.
  • Go through your home and identify substances that might be abused.
  • Replace or remove risky products when possible.
  • Watch your children for possible substance abuse problems, and deal with concerns right away.

Be aware of how your use of alcohol and/or drugs can influence your child

  • Be consistent with words and actions
  • Model positive behavior

Substance abuse prevention starts at home. It’s never too early to start preparing for each and every stage of your child’s life.