Upcoming Improvements to Great Hill Park

In the coming weeks, the Department of Public Works plans to work with an outside contractor on opening the views and vistas with some selective pruning and tree cutting at Great Hill Park. Care will be taken to follow the footprint of the existing vista while removing dead, overgrown and invasive trees. The intent is for the current tree line buffer on the North Street and Baylee Road sides of the overlook to remain as such; while opening views over the shelf and Wessagusset Beach.

Additionally, the Town is working with an outside contractor on the installation of 2 new gates on Bradley Road and Baylee Road.

Lastly, the Town's Engineering Division is reviewing issues with respect to stormwater management and drainage coming off of, and around, Great Hill.

The hope is to complete the vista project and the installation of the new gates by the end of the calendar year. The Engineering Department's recommendations related to drainage will be reviewed initially, and implemented sometime in the future depending on the findings related to the scope of work and the availability of resources.

The plan for the vista improvements may be found on the Town's website at www.weymouth.ma.us. As always, please feel free to call the Department of Planning & Community Development at 781-340-5015 if you have any questions or concerns regarding this work.

Click here for the Vista Clearing Plans.