Weymouth Wetlands Protection Regulations

The Weymouth Wetlands Protection Regulations

The Weymouth Wetlands Protection Regulations were adopted in 1997 (effective date June 25, 1997) pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Bylaw which was adopted in 1985 as Chapter 119 of the Code of the Town of Weymouth. With the change in the town’s form of government, the former wetlands bylaw became the Weymouth Wetlands Protection Ordinance, Chapter 7-301 of the Weymouth Code of Ordinances. The regulations have not been revised since 1997 and still refer to the bylaw.

Some key items to note:

  • Part III, Regulations for Inland Wetlands:
    • Section 3.03 protects Vegetated Wetlands, whether bordering or isolated. The regulations do not establish a minimum size threshold for protection of isolated wetlands.
    • Where replication of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands is allowed, performance standards at Section 3.03(6) require a 2:1 replication ratio and posting of a performance bond.
    • Section 3.05 protects Land Subject to Flooding, whether bordering or isolated. The regulations do not establish a minimum size threshold for protection of isolated land subject to flooding.
  • Part V establishes the requirements for obtaining a Variance from the regulations. Variances may be granted only upon a clear and convincing showing by the applicant that any proposed work, or its natural and consequential impacts and effects, will not adversely affect wetland interests.
  • Part VIII contains requirements for Notice of Intent submittals.
  • Part IX contains minimum no-disturb zones from wetland resource areas.

Please contact the Conservation office at 781-340-5007 if you need assistance interpreting the regulations.

Weymouth Conservation Regs - June 1997