Directions to Elder Services

Directions to Weymouth Elder Services
182 Green Street, Weymouth, MA 02191
Telephone: 781-682-6140

Take Rte 128 South to Rte 3 toward the Cape, or take Expressway thru Boston to Rte 3.

Take exit #40 in Braintree, at bottom of ramp follow the rotary 3/4 way around to left and take right onto Union Street. At the end of Union Street at the lights (approximately 4 miles). Take a right onto Rte 53 (there will be a large white church on your right at that intersection) At the second set of lights take a left onto Commercial Street. (Sacred Heart Church is on the corner).

Follow Commercial St. 1.5 mi. until you reach a fork in road and blinking yellow OVERHEAD light – take left at fork of road onto Church St. Follow until end (one block) to a set of lights. In front of you will be a Sunoco gas station. Take a left at these lights and a quick right onto Green St. Follow Green about ½ mile. (The road curves sharply to the left). Not far down, take a right onto Merryknoll St. Our parking lot entrance will be on your left. (You cannot see us from Green Street – we are a former elementary school tucked in the back). Come in the front door to the Reception Desk. If you miss Merryknoll, take the next right on to Miles Keene Lane – that will also bring you up to our parking lot.

From South Shore & Cape

Take Exit 40, at bottom of ramp take right onto Union St. and follow Directions above.