Water System

Mission Statement

To reliably and economically deliver the highest quality safe drinking water to our customers by emphasizing and practicing source water protection, state of the art water treatment, sound distribution management and maintenance, and water conservation.

Weymouth has two treatment plants (one at each of its source points), four water storage tanks and more than 262 miles of pipe ranging in age from 1 year to 127 years. Because of the increased demand on Weymouth’s limited water supply, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection in 1994 ordered the community to reduce its use so it would not exceed its safe yield. (Safe yield is the amount the water sources could produce in a 100-year drought.) DEP placed that figure at 4.94 mgd per day with approval of Winter Street well #1.

The Town’s Water supply comes from two sources, the Great Pond Reservoir and the Mill River basin, which has had 4 bedrock wells.

With the order in hand, the DPW initiated studies to identify potential water supplies. But it did nothing to reduce demand. In 1997, the DEP entered into an Administrative Consent Order with the DPW to reduce consumption from 4.9 mgd to 4.51. mgd. In August, 1998, it went a step further and issued a water supply emergency and instituted a ban.

Today, that ban has disappeared, since a successful reduction in demand and the new sources are permitted. As of March 1999, the program undertaken by the DPW – combining infrastructure repairs and conservation measures – has been successful. Water use since then has been below our assigned safe yield thanks to the on-going programs. The Town of Weymouth has enacted bylaws; follow policies and programs and funded studies to protect surface and groundwater supplies and quality. The following describe policies and programs and studies utilized by the town the protection of water sources and quality.

Water Conservation Plan

The Town of Weymouth filed a Water Conservation Plan for Public Water Suppliers. Specific information in this plan regarding water resource supply pertaining to Demand Management and Emergency Planning include the following, which are summarized below:

Water Use Restriction Bylaw

The Town of Weymouth developed water restriction criteria and plan based on the requirements of the town’s water supply ACO with the DEP. The water restrictions are based on the water level of Great Pond, and the year to date total water production. At the beginning of each month, from May through November, these criteria are evaluated to determine the need for water restriction and the extent of the water restrictions.

Water Conservation Measures

In the past several years, the Town of Weymouth has taken an aggressive approach to the water conservation program. Any new water use applications issued by the Town are required to complete a 2:1 water savings ratio. These savings may be gained through the retrofitting of existing buildings with water savings devices. The retrofitting of all public buildings, schools, and some businesses and residences has been accomplished with the cooperation of the Town, new users, and contractors. These projects include the furnishing and installation of low flow toilets, low flow showerheads, low flow faucets, and low flow flushometers. The water conservation program has been a huge success and a key element in reducing our daily water demand.

Annual Leak Detection Program

The Town of Weymouth has conducted a town wide leak detection program for the past four years. The leaks found as a result of the annual program are scheduled for immediate repair.

The 2015 leak detection program identified 29 leaks leaking an estimated 236 gallons per minute. The next leak detection project will take place in the Spring of 2016.

The town has plans for continue conducting a leak detection survey for future years. The Water Division has seen the difference and the Town has reaped the benefits from this program.

Other Documents and Reports:

2023 Annual Water Quality Report 
2022 Annual Water Quality Report 
2021 Annual Water Quality Report 
2020 Annual Water Quality Report 
2019 Annual Water Quality Report 
2018 Annual Water Quality Report 
2017 Annual Water Quality Report 
2016 Annual Water Quality Report 
2015 Annual Water Quality Report2015 UCMR3 test results
2014 Annual Water Quality Report 
2013 Annual Water Quality Report 
2012 Annual Water Quality Report 
2011 Annual Water Quality Report