What is the procedure for a constituent to appear before Council?

All meetings (Town Council and Committee) are public meetings, and the public is invited to attend.

Public hearings are scheduled, and advertised for the public's benefit on specific items, and individuals may address the Town Council at all public hearings.

The Town Council agenda includes a section entitled "Resident and Community Comment" which is intended for constituents to appear before the Council to raise issues, pose questions or state their opinion on issues. Those wishing to appear before the Council should contact the Town Council Office at (781) 340-5020 prior to 10:00 AM on the Thursday preceding the scheduled Town Council Meeting, at which time approval by the President will be sought. The following is an excerpt from the Town Council Rules:

"Individuals requesting time to address the Council under "Resident and Community Comment" shall make their request, including the subject matter of their discussion, by no later than 10:00 AM on the Thursday preceding the Council meeting. Speakers shall limit the time for remarks to (5) minutes. All items including but not limited to letters, written communications, reports or other materials being submitted by individuals addressing the Council must be submitted to the Town Clerk's office no later than 10:00 AM on Thursday preceding the regular Council meeting."