I want to display a sign for my business. What the requirements for installing signs?

Signs are regulated by zoning district in Section 120-64 of the Weymouth Zoning Ordinance. All signs require a permit from the Department of Municipal Licenses and Inspections (Building Department)

A summary of the signs allowed in business districts are as follows:

  • Wall signs for each business (provided they do not project more than 18 inches from the wall and no more than the maximum sign area of 75 square feet).
  • One free-standing sign per lot (provided no more than the maximum sign area of 60 square feet per side or 120 square feet for double-sided signs, setback three feet from the front lot line in the B-1 zone, the uppermost edge of the sign no more than three feet above grade, and the lowermost edge of the sign no less than eight feet above grade if within 25 feet within a street line, and a maximum height of 25 feet).